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blue light, circadian rhythm, eye, neuroscience, sleep, vision -

In the past five years, we have witnessed Blue Light evolving from a topic (i.e. something talked about) to an issue (a problem that needs solving).  There are growing amounts of information about Blue Light, but a surprising amount is incorrect. Some information is opinion presented as fact, while other information is outdated, and some information is promotional (may be based on selected facts, or presented in such a way to bias the reader for beneficial purposes).  Nathan Walz wrote one of the best recent articles about Blue Light. We were so impressed by the article that we contacted Nathan...

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blue light, eye, ultraviolet light, vision -

Does the topic of “light” warrant a Blog? Surprisingly, light may be one of the more impactful issues affecting our health, both vision and physiological; so “light” warrants greater understanding.  We are of the opinion the best stories are true, that is, based on facts. One of the first facts we encountered was an issue the eyewear industry has overlooked or chose not to address; that Blue Light is more damaging than Ultra-Violet light. Approximately six years ago we went in search of a differentiator for our products, and to us, the most important feature of sunglasses should be lens...

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